01297 34627

e. enquiries@reflextechnicalservices.co.uk



For manufacturing, please visit www.dbmreflex.com


For optical design, standard and custom LED lenses, please visit

DBM Reflex

We are pleased to be the UK agent for DBM Reflex Enterprises Inc., who for 40 years has been well known as a leader in the automotive lighting industry, supplying high quality reflex electroforms and high tech moulds for optical components.

DBM is the most experienced reflex electroform insert manufacturer in the world and the leading company for optical light pipes and other LED optical components, with resources to provide a complete one-stop service, from optical design to supply of production parts.

Active in all world markets with customers in over 20 countries, DBM reflex remains a leader in its field by constantly developing new technologies in order to meet customers’ demands today and tomorrow.